1 When purchasing the 100mm long frame part, have an end tap added to the left. This essentially adds threads in those holes for your screw to hold onto.
2 When purchasing the 185mm long frame part, have an access hole added in the middle (slot “VV”) 12.5mm from the left.
3 Steps 3-5 are for black bookends only. Cut a strip of electrical tape and wrap it around the part of the fastener in the photo.
4 Steps 3-5 are for black bookends only. Tuck in the edges of the tape.
5 Steps 3-5 are for black bookends only. With scissors or an object with a point, poke through the tape where the screw’s hole is.
6 Loosely screw the fastener in the center hole of the 100mm long frame. Make sure to screw on the side with the end taps (threaded holes).
7 Align the fastener into the middle slot of the 185mm long frame.
8 Place the Allen Key through the access hole and tighten the screw of the fastener.
9 Make sure the sides are flush before tightening the fastener securely.
10 Place bumpers along the underside of the bookend, as photographed, and press down firmly. Repeat steps 1-10 to produce your second bookend.